Book tells "story" of Paul's "replacement"

Update (12/4/02) An update from author Bruce Lev:

The SONGS for the SOUNDTRACK to Billy Shears: The Secret History of the Beatles are finally available!

The songs that DOCTOR LEV has written for the movie (of the screenplay of the book) are finally produced, recorded, and being released (and performed) this weekend at the LIVERPOOL DAYS (Beatles) convention in Pasadena, California! See: Info page: c7a9a3d Stage schedule: d9815bd13

SONG CLIPS can be downloaded and reviewed, and CD copies now purchased from Doctor Lev's (updated) Paul-Is-Dead website! CHECK IT OUT! Signed copies of the CD are priced @ $7 each. Signed copies of the BOOK are priced @ $20 each. Signed copies of BOTH The CD together with the BOOK are priced @ $25. These prices include shipping.

(9/23/02) Remember the "Paul Is Dead" rumors? Well, what if it really happened? (We're assuming here you don't believe it. If you do, then you already know....the rest ... of the story....) Anyway, a fanciful novel, Billy Shears: The Secret History of the Beatles, tells the "true" story of how one Billy Campbell took Paul McCartney's place in the Fabs. An attempt to make sense out of the PID story and make it plausible makes the whole PID thing seem even sillier to us. Nevertheless, Dr. Lev, the author, has actually made a bit of sense about it all. How did Billy take Paul's place? What were the reactions of the other Beatles? How did Jane Asher deal with it? How did Linda enter the picture? Here's a few more clues for you all.

  • Website for "Billy Shears: The Secret History of the Beatles"

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