"The Mourning of John Lennon" by Anthony Elliott (9/27/99) This book has two distinct segments: It's a serious and thoughtful book on John's life, music, fame and writings before his death; it also analyzes public and media reaction after his death and through the '90s and the release of "Free As a Bird" and "Real Love." Any author who attempts to dissect the multi-faceted Lennon has quite a task on his hands, but Elliott has done an interesting job trying to piece together the puzzle. Especially interesting is his analysis of various Lennon biographies, with some opinions that may surprise you. "The Mourning of John Lennon" is an attempt to show the true Lennon. It doesn't sink to tabloid level and isn't awash in fan idoltry, but it's quite an honest look at Lennon, whose life is a cause for celebration.